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Talent Full Name
Only if you have a Talent Facebook, Instagram or StarNow Page already created.
Parent Full Name
Only if Talent is under 18 years of age.
Only if Talent is under 18 years of age.
Only if Talent is under 18 years of age.
Terms and Conditions
Your signature on this agreement ensures you are aware of the expectations of Brooke Lee Modelling Agency and if breached in any way entitles us the right to terminate our agreement without notice. As a member from Brooke Lee Modelling Agency, you are representing us, our clients, their brands, and yourself in a public forum.

- ‘Agent’ means Brooke Lee Modelling.
- ‘BLM’ means Brooke Lee Modelling.
- ‘Commencement Date’ means the date on which this agreement was signed.
- ‘Talent’ means who the Talent Agreement Form is completed for, as per below.

Marketing and Representation for all Talent
Brooke Lee Modelling Agency always maintains the most professional reputation possible. To be represented by Brooke Lee Modelling Agency and marketed to our clients, professional un-watermarked photos are mandatory as well as a signed BLM Model & Image Release form for each photographer involved in your portfolio. A selection of images will be placed on the BLM website as well as sent to clients on request. To provide you with maximum exposure, your images will be displayed on our BLM website under your own personal profile. By signing this document gives Brooke Lee Modelling the authority to use the images provide on our business website and our business social media pages – Instagram, Facebook & TikTok. Once we've received your signed contract and payment, we'll email you the BLM website profile requirements. You can request updates to your profile at any time, and we kindly ask that you keep it current to ensure proper client exposure. Please note: Brooke Lee Modelling & Deportment School is separate from Brooke Lee Modelling Agency.

Agency Fee
To join our Brooke Lee Modelling Agency and showcase your portfolio on our website and social media, there is a one-time fee of $50.00. This includes profile creation, comp card development, and profile maintenance. Please note, fees will increase in 2025. Once we receive your signed Talent Agreement, we will issue and email an invoice to the address provided in your agreement.

Accepting Work
Whether a job is one day in advance, or you book a job one month in advance, it is your responsibility to keep track of your confirmed job/s. This includes paid and un-paid work. Always make sure you confirm all the details with the booking agent (Brooke Lee), including date, time, (am/pm), venue, job name, job description and rate of pay. Keeping a diary is a good idea and will also assist with keeping track of income and due dates. The Talent must be always punctual when undertaking work organised by the Agent and must abide by set times and requirements for each individual assignment. If you are late, if you need directions, or if you have personal issues it is your responsibility to contact your Agent (Brooke Lee) on 0406 974 439. Please do not contact the client, only if requested (Check the brief). We understand you may not always be available and that is ok, please do not accept work if you already know you cannot make it.

Cancellations of Work
Carefully consider your ability to fulfil the requirements of a shift before committing to it. If the Talent is unable to continue with the booking for any reason other than ill health, the Talent must give the Agent 72 hours' notice of cancellation to allow the Agent to communicate with the client. Feeling ‘SICK’ is no longer an acceptable reason if disclosed within 24 hours of the shift/job start. If you cancel inside 24 hours, supporting documentation will be required, i.e. - a police report for accidents, or a hospitalization/doctor's certificate for serious illness. Reliability is a large factor in this industry. If you do not show up to an assignment/job you were booked for you will be held responsible for any loss of revenue. You will also be taken off the books for any future work whether it is paid or not. If you elect to send a text message to cancel on a shift, expect a phone call back from one of us from the Brooke Lee Modelling Agency. A text message is not acceptable for any type of cancellations. If you turn your phone off and ignore calls from us, expect your shift to be terminated and any further work that may already be booked in for you. Calls are accepted over the weekend and after hours.

By signing this contract, you have provided permission to us to use your images, yes, but the images are property to the Photographer, and we require permission before we display them on our Social Media Pages or our Brooke Lee Modelling Website. Whether you pay for the shoot or it is a TFP Shoot you must notify Brooke Lee (Your Agent) about what shoot you’re doing, when you’re doing the shoot and who you are working with. Your Agent always needs to be kept in the loop with what is happening. It is the Talent’s responsibility to send through the link to our Agency Model & Release Form for the Photographer to complete prior to all shoots. Please complete the Model & Image Release Form before the shoot commences as the completed form will automatically be sent through to our Agent (Brooke Lee). By informing us about your shoot we will all be on the same page and we will know exactly what the Model will receive in return from the photographer i.e.: number of images, watermarked or un-watermarked images, high-res, or low-res images etc. Please follow this process for all Photoshoots, even if it is a TFP Shoot, Paid Shoot or a Shoot with your friend that might be a photographer. Please be honest and open with your Agent. This also includes all Press and publicity relating to the Talent under this agreement must be authorised by us as your Agent prior to publication. Magazine Print will follow the same rules, please inform us of any publications you wish to submit your name and images into and please make sure - "Agent: Brooke Lee Modelling" is always used.

Termination & Length of Contract
Your agreement with Brooke Lee Modelling Agency is confirmed once we receive your signed Talent Agreement. This agreement has no fixed term. If you wish to terminate the agreement, you must provide 14 days' written notice. The Agency will continue to represent you under the agreement until the end of this period, after which your Talent Website Profile will be removed. If the Agency chooses to terminate the agreement, we will provide 7 days' written notice and continue representing you until the end of that period. In cases of breach of agreement, the Agency reserves the right to terminate with 1 day's written notice. Reminder: You remain a signed model with Brooke Lee Modelling Agency even if you stop attending classes at our School. The School and Agency have separate enrolments.

Other Agencies
If an Agency contacts you personally just talk to them, find all relevant information, please get their details, and then please come and talk to us about what they are offering, alternatively you can send through our Agency Details: admin@brookelee.com.au & 0406974439 for them to contact us. Once you sign with our Agency I will act as your Manager to see what they are after and will handle the offer and deal with it for you. This way you don't sign up with anything that is not real. Anyone under the age of 18 years must always have a parent/guardian in the conversation when communicating online especially. Never say YES to anything until we have checked it out. You will be represented by Brooke Lee Modelling Agency and we will be your manager for the future, not holding you back from applying for work but will look after anything you may be offered over time. Anything offered to you must be pre-approved by Brooke Lee whether it is paid or TFP work. This includes email and Social Media offers, photo competitions, free photo shoots and more. Please pass your Agent details onto anyone who may offer you anything on Social Media, here is all you need to say: "Please contact my Agent – Brooke Lee Modelling, 0406974439". If it is real and professional, they will follow correct industry procedure.

Agent Agreement Terms
The Agent agrees to provide to the Talent representation at a personal management level. The Agent will undertake its obligation in a professional and skilful manner that is expected of a reasonable person within that area of expertise. At all times the Agent must act in good faith and in the best interests of the Talent. The Agent will use its best endeavours to promote, manage and guide the Talent in his career journey.

Further information will be sent out about the following when your first job is booked.
- Work Hours & Punctuality
- Breaks
- Work Ethics
- Grooming & Presentation
- Tax Invoices & Feedback Forms
- Payment / ABN

As an independent contractor we require you to have an ABN, if you don’t already have one it’s free to set up through the following link: https://www.abr.gov.au/business-super-funds-charities/applying-abn – Applying for a Sole Trader ABN is not required straight away, we will discuss this further later on.

Tax File Declaration Form. You will require a Tax File Number to fill this out. If you don’t already have one you can set up for free through the following link: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Tax-file-number/Apply-for-a-TFN – Applying for a TFN is not required straight away, we will discuss this further later.

The Talent agrees to have 15% of all talent fees (plus GST) obtained through all work organized by the Agent deducted by the Agent as a fee for representation (commission). This includes any prizes or payments for competitions entered whilst under the management of Brooke Lee Modelling. In the case of an all-inclusive job, the Agency shall deduct 15% commission (plus GST) and Agency Service Fee from the Talent Fee. Talent & Job Payment Rates & Information will be discussed prior to the job going ahead. The Talent fee will be paid into a bank account nominated by the Talent once the payment has been received by the Client.
